…Could it now be that the Venezuelan navy was merely wrong, but not not totally crazy in thinking the Resolute was going to launch a mercenary invasion?
Bellingcat is reporting that the Canadian Born, ex US Army Green Beret medic Jordan Goudreau, launched a Mercenary invasion into Venezuela by sea on May 3rd and 4th, with the idea of overthrowing the Madero government. 2 boats were intercepted, with 8 killed and 2 captured on May 3rd, and another 8 including 2 US Citizens captured on the 4th. Oh yah, Goudreau was tweeting about the raid as it was happening.
but if the live tweeting of the mercenary invasion wasent stupid enough, the AP reported May 1 that the original plan was for a force of 300, trained by Silvercorp in Columbia to attack. So much for Opsec.
Silvercorp became involved after they were hired to provide security at a Pro Opposition concert on the Colombian border, organized by Richard Branson. that got Goudreau introduced to some of Juan Guaido’s people. One of those people, introduced Goudreau to Cliver Alcala.
Alcala was a retired Major General in the Venuzualian army, and ringleader of a group of deserters, who were already training in camps in Columbia. Planning for the attack began in April 2019 at the Marriot in Bogata, which is where Goudreau met Alcala and pitched Silvercorp to train them, with an estimated cost of 1.5 million.
Trying to raise a small army of mercenaries is no small task, and no government was willing to bank roll them, Funding was tight, and the men in the camps were poorly equipped, poorly supplied and poorly fed. it all fell apart in March, when one of the men was arrested crossing the border, and Colombian police stopped a truck loaded with weapons. there is evidence the Madeuro Government was aware something was afoot as early as March 24th.
So along comes the RCGS Resolute. the ship, flagged in Portugal, a country that supports opposition leader Juan Guaido – acts a bit weirdly off the coast and happens to have an upper deck loaded with black rhibs, sufficient to land ~300 people. Meanwhile the Venezuelan navy is working on the assumption that there is a mercenary attack coming in the near future with the goal of toppling the government.
the failed plot, and the plans reveled by the may 1st AP piece certainly suggest that the Venezuelan navy had reason to be suspicious of the resolute, and the governments claims that they defended against a mercenary raid – actually now seam plausible, and not the crazy claims of a crazy dictator trying to hold on to power.
So who are the masterminds behind these plans?
Goudreau retired from the Military in 2016, and worked private security in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria. he formed Silvercorp USA in 2018 with the idea of charging parents 10$ a month to put ex special forces into schools posing a teachers to collect intelligence about possible school shooters, and to neutralize them should there be a shooting. Goudreau has been photographed near Trump, and his firm has provided security for Trump rallies.
Alcala is currently awaiting trial in New York on charges that he was one of the architects of a Venezualian Narcoterrorist conspiracy that allegedly sent 250tons of cocaine to the US every year. He surendered to authorities in Colombia
The Resolute had been heading north with no destination or ETA.
RCGS Resolute arrived off the north coast of Trinidad late on March 25th and stopped overnight. On the morning of the 26th she rendezvoused with the tanker Kerkyra, out of Port of Spain, Trinidad, and presumably refueled.
the ship then continued sailing when the ship suddenly began reporting that it was not under command on March 29 about 60 nautical miles off the north coast of Venezuela. the ship drifting at 1.knots less than 20 nautical miles off the uninhabited island of La Tortuga at 13:00 ET.
Not under command is a navigational status indicating that the ship is unable to Maneuver in the water, and all vessels must keep clear.
9 nautical miles off La Tortuga island, and after several hours the ship began steaming again to the west giving Willemstad Curacao as the destination.
In a story that probably couldn’t get much weirder, it now appears the RCGS Resolute collided with and Sunk the Venezuelan Offshore patrol Vessel GC-23 Naiguata at 00:45 on the 30th. the ship gave Willemstad Curacao as its destination yesterday, and arrived this morning where it remains at anchor.
On March 30, 2020, at 00:45, the Coast Guard «Naiguatá» (GC-23), of the Bolivarian Navy, being in maritime patrol tasks of our territorial sea, to the northwest of La Tortuga Island; It was boarded (collided) by the passenger ship “Resolute”, (122 meters long and 8300 tons of displacement), with the Portuguese flag, at the time it was undergoing a maritime traffic control procedure, which caused damage of great magnitude and caused the anxiety of the aforementioned coastguard.
The action of the ship «Resolute» is considered cowardly and criminal, since it did not attend to the rescue of the crew, in breach of the international regulations that regulate the rescue of life at sea. This ship is currently in the port of Willemstad, the capital of Curaçao, where it docked in the morning of today.
Our immediate search and rescue work, together with the professional and courageous performance of our personnel, allowed the full rescue of the crew. The Venezuelan State undertakes the corresponding legal actions.
Chávez lives!… The Homeland continues!
Independence and Socialist Homeland! … We will live and win!
Always loyal!… Traitors never!
In another statement, the Venezuelan government claims the ship was Illegally in Venezuelan waters. the statement reads (Again via google translate)
Miraflores Palace, Caracas.– The head of state and government of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro Moros, asked the Curaçao authorities for maximum collaboration in the investigations of the Portuguese-flagged ship that entered the jurisdictional waters of Venezuela illegally.
“We ask for the greater collaboration of the maritime, civil, police and military authorities of Curaçao and we will maintain coordination,” said the national president, also denouncing that this ship, docked from the morning hours in the city of Willemstad, collided against the Coast Guard «Naiguatá» (GC-23), causing its collapse, which was described as an act of aggression and piracy.
Last Monday after midnight, the passenger ship “Resolute”, measuring 122 meters long and 8,300 tons of displacement, reached Venezuelan waters, 7 miles from La Tortuga Island, activating the Strategic Operational Command for what that a Venezuelan coast guard ship set sail to board this vessel.
For his part, the Minister of Popular Power for Defense, Vladimir Padrino López, explained that the Venezuelan vessel activated the protocols established in international treaties, where he was ordered to go to the port of Margarita. “Being escorted, he decided to ram the Bolivarian navy ship, which caused its sinking,” he said.
The Venezuelan Foreign Ministry and the Ministry of Popular Power for Defense have initiated the corresponding formalities at the diplomatic and military levels, respectively, to clarify this case.
However, the Venezuelan state authorities do not rule out the hypothesis that it is a ship that “was transporting mercenaries to attack military bases in Venezuela, unloading them out there on the high seas.”
“In the early morning hours of the 30th of March 2020 (local time), the cruise vessel RCGS RESOLUTE has been subject to an act of aggression by the Venezuelan Navy in international waters, around 13.3 nautical miles from Isla de Tortuga with 32 crew member and no passengers on board.
When the event occurred, the cruise vessel RCGS RESOLUTE has already been drifting for one day off the coast of the island to conduct some routine engine maintenance on its idle voyage to its destination, Willemstad/ Curaçao. As maintenance was being performed on the starboard main engine, the port main engine was kept on standby to maintain a safe distance from the island at any time.
Shortly after mid-night, the cruise vessel was approached by an armed Venezuelan navy vessel, which via radio questioning the intentions of the RCGS RESOLUTE’s presence and gave the order to follow to Puerto Moreno on Isla De Margarita. As the RCGS RESOLUTE was sailing in international waters at that time, the Master wanted to reconfirm this particular request resulting into a serious deviation from the scheduled vessel’s route with the company DPA.
While the Master was in contact with the head office, gun shots were fired and, shortly thereafter, the navy vessel approached the starboard side at speed with an angle of 135° and purposely collided with the RCGS RESOLUTE. The navy vessel continued to ram the starboard bow in an apparent attempt to turn the ship’s head towards Venezuelan territorial waters.
While the RCGS RESOLUTE sustained minor damages, not affecting vessel’s seaworthiness, it occurs that the navy vessel suffered severe damages while making contact with the ice-strengthened bulbous bow of the ice-class expedition cruise vessel RCGS RESOLUTE and started to take water.
Ready to support anytime, the RCGS RESOLUTE remained for over one hour in vicinity of the scene and reached out to the Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC) Curaçao. This is an international body which oversees any maritime emergencies. All attempts to contact those on board the navy ship have been left unanswered.
Only after receiving the order to resume passage full ahead by the MRCC and that further assistance is not required, the RCGS RESOLUTE, currently safely moored in the port of Willemstad, continued sailing towards her destination at Curaçao. A full investigation into the circumstances surrounding the incident will now be carried out.”
The RCGS Resolute is Flagged in Portugal, and the Portuguese Government is currently in a diplomatic spat with Venezuela, which centered around president Maduros claim that Juan Guaido, who many see as the legitimate president of Venezuela, imported explosives via TAP – the Portuguese national airline. Portugal also recognizes Juan Guaido as the legitimate leader of the country.
Other Nations have in the past has attempted to size ships of other nations over disputes – most notably Iran.
UPDATE: Looks like they tried to hide the loss of the ship by changing the AIS on a tug in Harbour
Before it became obvious that they would not be able to hide the sinking of the Naiguana the regime had the AIS transponder from one of the tug boats in La Guaira harbour changed to match the Naiguana, making it appear as if she was in port and not sunk 180 meters underwater. 🤦 pic.twitter.com/sx0yTj4Pqy
The Venezuelan Government is now claiming that the expedition zodiacs on board are to transport commandos, and are accusing the ship of carrying mercenaries intent on raiding the country.
there are some supporting tweets to the effect of “likely story, there no way they would use tactical craft like that for tourists.
of course a look at One Ocean Expeditions still up website, shows photos of tourists in those exact same boats…
UPDATE – April 5: The Venezuelans have now released a video of the incident, as well as audio, and their claims about the ship. (the radio calls are in English, the rest is Spanish)
The RCGS Resolute sailed from Buenos Aires on the 5th, giving a destination of “For Order”, but an ETA of the 15th. The ship is currently making 6.1kn off the coast of Brazil. the ETA puts it around Rio De Janeiro if current speed continues. I have heard that Fred Olsen Cruises may be interested in Chartering the ship.
The ship was arrested in Buenos Aires, this past October over several unpaid bills.The ships owner stepped in to pay the outstanding amounts rather then risk loosing the vessel in a court ordered sale. The Ships Owners, BUNNYS ADVENTURE & CRUISE SHIPPING COMPANY is Privately held, and was registered in the Bahamas in 1993.
A source in Argentina told me that claims were settled for 2 bunkers suppliers (European), 3 agencies from Panama, Costa Rica and Argentina, and 22 crew members. There were some other claims that also settled with the ships owners.
Despite claims of entering some form of formal bankruptcy proceeding, One Ocean has yet to do so.
This week in the Herald, I outline the likely cause of one oceans troubles, and some of their shoddy practices. I have spoken with several former crew, and others associated with OOE, and pretty much everyone is willing to talk.
of the crew members I spoke with indicated that auctions were held on
board ship to raise money for various Non-governmental organizations.
She suggested It was an open secret that the NGO’s were not receiving
the funds. This story was also corroborated by another crew member told
me that one of the signature items available for onboard auction was a
Nautical Chart of the Voyage, marked with ship’s positions and course,
and then decorated with images of area wildlife. These charts typically
sold in the $2000-4000usd range, and 10-12 were produced on various
spoke with Ron Naveen, the president of Oceanites. The organization has
for the past 25 years conducted a Antarctic penguin survey, and had
researchers travel aboard One Ocean ships. Ron indicated that One Ocean
had been a good partner in supporting their work, and had raised money
for the organization, however One Ocean was always slow to pass on funds
raised, and is currently 2 years behind in remitting funds raised.
believes the losses to Oceanites are in the 6 figures, both from funds
raised but not delivered, and from future fundraising conducted by
other organizations on OOE Cruises. He has also had to find other
companies to facilitate the work they do.
Geiger, the CEO of The Royal Canadian Geographic Society also indicated
they had suffered losses, but were unable to detail what they were or
the amounts as the organizations board had yet to be briefed. The
Society granted the use of the RCGS honorific to OOE’s ship Resolute, in
recognition of OOE’s stong support of research in polar regions.
According to its website, OOE started the One Ocean Foundation in 2017 “to house the growing financial contributions from both passengers and One Ocean Expeditions.”
the One Ocean Foundation is a registered Charity in Richmond Hill Ont. Its CRA Filings list three trustees, William J Trotter , Emily R Trotter , and James D Trotter. The foundation shares an address with Wm. J. Trotter & Associates, an accounting firm. BEDI Management, which was also identified as one oceans accounting firm is also located at that address. BEDI management also showed up on credit card statements when down payments were made.
Information posted on CRA’s website show the foundation received 25,000 in revenue in 2018 – Grieger told me transfers to their organization, when they occurred, were in the $30-40,000 range, which suggests that the foundation was at best only receiving a portion of the funds raised.
Are you owed money or had a trip canceled by One Ocean? Contact me at peter@halifaxshippingnews.ca
The Story of One Ocean is Interesting, and began after I tweeted a link to a CBC Piece. Shortly after, I was contacted by a Nova Scotia woman, who was part of the canceled cruise. That was the impetuous for this piece in Friday’s Herald.
this is all that was of a 19 day trip that was supposed to end Nov 6.
The RCGS Resolute’s latest trip was canceled after it had barely got underway. The ship sailed from Buenos Aries on October 19th at 19:30. 2 days later the ship would stop in Puerto Madryn for fuel. after 2 days, sufficient fuel could not be obtained, and One Ocean Expeditions canceled the cruise, and the ship would be returning to Buenos Aires. The Ship arrived the in Buenos Aries the morning of the 27th. and the passengers disembarked.
One Ocean then posted this Statement to its Facebook page. Despite the Note that the page is not monitored, someone is reportedly actively deleting negative comments left on the post.
One Ocean posted this statement on its facebook page.
Hot on the trail of Unpaid Bills, I have now spoken with 3 crew, I now believe OOE owes at least $1,000,000 cdn to former crew.
on board the ship work as contractors. They sign on for a contract on a
fixed term. In the case of OOE, the contracts were structured so 50% of
the value of the contract was paid over the term of the contract every
30 days, and the remaining 50% 60 days after completion. While pay
underway was often late, the majority of what is owed appears to be this
post contract 50%. In most cases this amounts to over $10,000US per
person. there are over 60 people waiting for payment.
By Contrast, Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines pays on the 15th and 30th of every month. So if you have a 6 month contract, the value is divided into 12 pay periods – just like working a normal job.
Two of the former crew I spoke too were part of the action that saw the ship arrested in Halifax. One who requested to remain anonymous, discovered the RCGS Resolute was in port when her new ship tied up next to it. A phone call to a lawyer began the proceeding to get the ship arrested.
former crew of the Resolute were able to take part in the action
against the ship in Halifax. That does little for those who only served
on the 2 Russian vessels recalled by their owner in May, or were unable
to participate. Those 8 were fortunate and were paid in full.
Guzzo was the named party on the Suite. He worked in the Hotelling
section on board the resolute since 2016, and was owed $11,600US. He is
still working in Antarctica, for another firm, and says by comparison
OOE was slave labour. His current employer has better pay, and shorter hours.
second crew member who wished to remain anonymous told me that some
crew who were owed money received a payment of 3000$ in July. Regardless
of what was owed. She is out about $12,000cdn.
is able to get staff to overlook poor conditions due to the allure of
working in exotic polar locations. But it seems a fair number of staff
still believe the company is good for the money, despite being strung
along and ignored for over a year. The staff who don’t want to be named
tell me they don’t want to be seen attacking the company, in hopes the
loyalty and good will see them paid sooner.
Have also been told one ocean has yet to remit funds raised for an NGO.
Cruises host auctions to raise money, and OOE’s website says 250,000us
is raised every year. This has apparently been an open secret onboard
the ships for at least 2 years. I have reached out to a couple of
organizations that appeared on One oceans website for comment.
One Oceans Next cruise is scheduled to depart Nov 6, The company is silent, and some passengers for that trip have flights Thursday.
UPDATE Oct 31 23:20: the November 6 Departure is now Apparently Canceled. A Person booked on the cruise, and was flying down today received word from their travel agent while sitting on their Aircraft with a Flight Delay. they have not yet received official word from OOE.
UPDATE Nov 1. I heard from Terragelida Ship Management, whom OOE had chartered both the Akademik Ioffe and the Sergey Vallov from. Ivan Budarin told me that the Ioffe was extensively damaged in its grounding, but was repaired and went on the serve the Antarctic season as scheduled. OOE however declined to assist Terragelida in the rescue and repairs, and Terragelida is now commenced legal proceedings in London to recover expenses.
I also found another passenger from the aborted cruise, who is now on a Brizilian trip, thanks the good work of his tour operator Rockjumper Tours, whom everyone is raving about.
UPDATE Nov 2, 0848: Looking further into the arrangement between Terragelida and OOE. The Cape Breton Spectator told the story of how the arrangement really ended, and appears to not match what OOE has publicly said.
In an additional question to Terragelida, i was able to confirm that Terragelida also provided crew with the Ships. so it would have been someone working for Terragelida, and not OOE who ran the ship into the rock in Nunavut. That might explain the reluctance of OOE to pay for salvage and repairs.
One of the Expedition crew i spoke with was on board at the time of the grounding. She reported that the seabed that the ship grounded on was not on the chart.
UPDATE Nov 2, 2100: While detained in Canada in September, the ship underwent a port state control inspection. Payment of wages was a noted deficiency in that inspection. During its 48 hour stop over in Rio, Oct 14, the Brazilian Gov also performed a Port State control inspection, Finding no Deficiencies.
Movements of the ship since departing halifax.
Unlike the Russian vessels, RCGS Resolute looks to be crewed by Columbia Cruise Services based in Hamburg Germany. The registered owner of the ship since 1998 is the Bahamas registered company Bunnys Cruise and Adventure.
There is now a Facebook group setup for people who have booked trips to exchange information. Included is the letter that canceled the Nov 6th trip. OOE is still offering a replacement cruise.
UPDATE Nov 3 2345: hearing from more people owed money, and missing out on trips. I’m putting together a time line to help understand everything that has gone on. I discovered 2 additional suits in federal court. on Aug 8, OOE filed a claim against the Ioffe. on Aug 31, Inland life rafts and marine claimed against the resolute.
I also heard that a July East coast cruise had 3 stops skipped as the resolute sought fuel in Placentia Bay NL, after it was unavailable in Sydney.
UPDATE Nov 05: It appears this law firm https://www.venetucci.net has the RCGS Resolute under arrest in Bunoes Aires Argentina over unpaid fuel bills. I have reached out to the firm to find out what is owed. still working on fundraising issues, and now alleged safety and pollution problems.
UPDATE Nov 6: Received an update that the ship was infact arrested November 1 in Buenos Aires on behalf of Danish Bunker traders. Have been doing alot of background research on One Ocean – i get the sense it was generally a slap-shod operation. More to come.
A New communication Has come out from OOE, stating they foresee no future cancellations. at this time. The next cruise is due to sail Nov 21. they my see the need to cancel it Nov 20th.
Copy of the Letter.
UPDATE Nov 7: I have added a timeline of relevant events. I am told that Payments to Terragelida stopped shortly after cruises resumed on the Ioffe in January 2019. Damage to the Ioffe was in excess of 7 million dollars, and 41tons of steel was replaced. machinery and Scientific equipment was also damaged.
July 31
OOE Announces the RCGS Resolute.
Aug 24
Akademik Ioffe runs aground in the Arctic.
Aug 27
Akademik Ioffe pax arrive in Edmonton.
Sept 12
Akademik Ioffe temp repairs are complete, sails for inspection
Sept 17
Akademik Ioffe sails Les Mechins PQ, where Verreault Navigation
Sept 25
Akademik Ioffe arrives at shipyard for repairs It sounds like the length of time needed for repairs was extended by 10 days a few times..
Oct 16
RCGS Resolute re-commissioned in Sydney NS
Nov 16
RCGS Resolute maiden cruise in Antarctica
Dec 27
Akademik Ioffe leaves the shipyard and heads south to begin Antarctic season late
Jan 21
Pax told the cruise scheduled for the 22nd would now leave on the 24th, and be modified.
Jan 24
Akademik Ioffe Cruses
May 18
Passengers with bookings on Akademik Ioffe and Vavilov notified of cancelations. promises refunds in 90 days
May 21
OOE Release that Akademik Ioffe and Sergey Vavilov taken back by Russians
May 28
Sergey Vavilov is withdrawn by Terragelida.
May 29
P.P. Shirshov institute says they have a good contract with Terragelida ship Management. Not OOE.
July 6
Terragelida terminates Akademik Ioffe contract.
July 20 -30
RCGS Resolute alters schedule to find fuel in Placentia Bay, skipping 3 stops on Labrador and Torngat Mountains Explorer Trip.
Aug 8
OOE Sues the Akademik Ioffe in federal Court t-1290-19
Aug 9
RCGS Resolute Arrested in Nunavut. Sails 8 hours later. 100k owed to Atship Services.
Sept 20
RCGS Resolute Arrested in Halifax – 8 former crew are paid
Sept 24
Resolute sails for Antarctic season.
Sept 25
reports that one ocean has been stringing along people in need of refunds from paid for trips on the Russian ships appears on trip advisor
Oct 19
RCGS Resolute Cruise Departs Buenos Aires at 1930.
Oct 22
Resolute stops in Puerto Madryn for fuel
Oct 24
Unable to obtain fuel, OOE cancels cruise at 13:30, ship sails back to Buenos Aries
Oct 27
RCGS Resolute returns to Buenos Aries
Oct 31
OOE Cancels next cruise scheduled to depart Nov 6. INLAND LIFERAFTS & MARINE LIMITED filed a claim in federal court against the resolute
Nov 1
RCGS Resolute Arrested in Buenos Aries, by unpaid Danish Bunker Broker.
OOE Has also canceled the Nov 6 cruise with a letter.
UPDATE Nov 20: A new letter has been received with an update.
I also received the following comments about the Fins and Fiddles trip this past summer, from a tour group leader.
STAFF The speakers were amazing and very knowledgeable. The zodiac drivers were great and the boat crew fine. ( what I had not raise in the original letter was that the zodiac drivers turned up late and some did not have a ticket and the ship was boarded by SYDNEY officials to interview all the drivers. Not sure what it was about but looked like some of the zodiac crew not licensed. ) SYDNEY NOVA SCOTIA No airport transfer on arrival for 15 people. Poor oversight by office. Your emergency number did not answer. ( this is a big deal when you arrive late at night – on flights they organised – and there is no one to meet you or explain anything. We all got taxis to the hotel )
DAY 1 DRIVE TO LOUISBERG No welcome announcement on bus or general instructions over bus PA. I was not going to mention it but some of your other Canadian customers mentioned it to me and were surprised that there was no official welcome followed by instructions. ( really slack !! )
FOOD Personally I enjoyed the food and the serving staff were excellent. From speaking with our clients and other passengers a few points came up that bear consideration. The dinning presentation formula which consisted of – one meat, one fish, one vegetarian and salad became repetitive. The meat and fish was almost always on a bed of barely pearl. Which was very nice but every night became a bit tiresome. Two of my fish meals were inedible. Either too tough or uncooked. The BBQs were great and a welcome change. The dinning room was very hot, stuffy and noisy and all our group complained about this fact. The queues for salads were also quite long and irritating.
ZODIAC DEPARTURES Unfortunately many of your guests ( both ours and other Canadians) had already been with other companies so they frequently made comparisons. The major daily complaint was that almost the whole boat turned up for Zodiac departures at the same time. This caused congestion and confusion. Our clients who had been with other companies said that on other boat trips the ship had been divided into groups.
For example the first group one was advised to depart at say 0900. Group two was advised to leave at 0930 etc. No confusion or congestion almost no waiting.
Some members became quite agitated with very long waiting times. One particular day my wife waited over one hour for a Zodiac departure. Far more sensible to anticipate how long it takes and have passengers attend when the Zodiacs are actually ready – as other companies do. (Does not sound too bad but at the time it pissed many people off. On one day I could see that the ocean was probably going to be too choppy. But the leader advised everyone to get dressed to go into the zodiacs. So everyone got ready, went out and then waited and waited and then told it was cancelled due to rough seas. I am not a sailor but could see in two seconds that the zodiacs would not be going out. THEN on another occasion when the seas were calm zodiacs were cancelled due to rough weather. That was when we were supposed to visit a local historic village on one of the French islands. They probably did not have enough money for the entrance fees. )
MUD ROOM Additionally our clients said that their wet weather gear was often lost in the mud room. I have been advised that other companies have specific numbered cupboards in the mud room for passengers gear so nothing goes missing and the cabins are less cluttered. The One Ocean mud room was generally a mess with boots everywhere. However the life jackets were generally neat and tidy.
THE BAR far too small and many did not attend talks due to stuffy confined environment.
ANNOUNCEMENTS Not always audible in certain areas of the boat. When senior staff were in the zodiacs there were sometimes no announcements and guests went down and waited assuming that it was time.
THE LAST DAY On the final day no one was in the bar to serve coffee and passengers were going behind the bar to serve themselves. No mugs were on the rack and passengers were opening the dish washer to get them. I should add that the coffee machine was faulty and did not often work.
SUMMARY Finally I must reiterate that I enjoyed the trip but that I heard a lot of people complaining. Everything else aside if you address the zodiac boarding and mud room issues, it would go a long way to making the voyage more enjoyable.
This week in the Herald, i look at some of the serious issues with the Cruise industry.
Holland America Lines is one of 9 Carnival Corp PLC brands.
One Ocean Expeditions recently had its ship RCGS Resolute Arrested in Iqaluit for unpaid bills to a Halifax based company.
In recent years from Carnival Corp PLC, the worlds largest cruise company, responsible for 42% of Halifax Cruise calls has racked up more then 60million in fines from US Regulators for failing to follow environmental rules.
For more on Various incidents (and to see how frequently they occur) See Cruise Law News or Cruise Junkie – both sites track Cruise incidents. Junkie merely lists them, but is more complete. Cruise Law news offers commentary.
Cruise Critic is reporting that the One Ocean Cruise ships Akademik Sergey Vavilov and Akademik Ioffe have had their charters suddenly ended by the Russian government. Both ships were scheduled to begin arctic cruises in June. those cruises have now been canceled, with the the ships owners recalling the vessels to Kaliningrad for “repairs” at the end of the Antarctic cruise season.
Both ships are registered to Russian Research institutes, and have been on long term charter to One Ocean since 2011, and in the expedition business since the 90’s.
the Akademik Ioffe ended its season early after it ran aground in the arctic. The incident in the Gulf of Boothia resulted in a small spill, which was initially not reported. the ship was repaired in Les Mechins PQ, and joined the Antarctic Cruise season.
1.man leaps from ferry, arrested naked in woman’s house CBC reports on a man who released a life raft, jumped overboard, and swam for shore from a B.C ferry.
2.ZIM still hanging on
in an era of aliances, zim is still going it alone, and still loosing a ton of money. The Loadstar reveals ZIM‘s future prospects
5.Sunken Whale Ship found
the RCGS found a Scottish whaling ship that sunk in 1903. the discovery was made Aug 31, from the Adkelmelik Sergey Villow – the other vessel working for One Ocean in the Arctic.
6.CMA-CGM Cuts Container rates.
sending a container around the world is cheap. it just got cheaper.
Officially announcing Nova Scotia Expedition. We’ll be heading to Canada for the first time ever to tag white sharks. This epic trip will be our 33rd expedition. pic.twitter.com/4fpa04qoOZ
The Russian icebreaker Akademik Ioffe, operated for One Ocean Expeditions, ran aground in the Arctic on August 24. the ship left Kugaaruk, Nunavut, on Thursday the 23rd, before grounding in the Gulf of Boothia in the early afternoon Friday.
JRCC dispatched Aircraft from Trenton and Winnipeg, but they arrived on scene 7 hours later. Coast Guard Icebreakers Amundsen and Pierre Raddison also responded, however the closest vessel was the Akademik Sergey Vavilov, also operating for One Ocean Expeditions. Passengers were evacuated by the The Passengers were taken back to Kugaaruk, then flown to Edmonton. Arriving on the 27th.
the Akademik Ioffe was refloated the day after she ran aground. Catherine Lawton, One Ocean Expeditions’s general manager told that CBC that “The hull damage was limited and contained to closed, empty tanks, which are secure from the rest of the ship,” Lawton said. “Those are actively being managed.” Being managed is a subtle way of saying they are pumping water, meaning the hull is breached. 6 days after the grounding, the ship remains anchored away from the grounding site. The ships owners – the Russian Academy of Science, have yet to file a salvage plan, causing the Coast Guard and Transport Canada to take control of the ship August 28th in order to complete all required inspections and develop a plan to get the ship to its next destination safely
One Ocean has canceled the next 2 tours for the ship, and now that the passengers have returned home, refered all enquireies to the ships owners.
Among the people on board the ship when it grounded was researcher Dr. Donglai Gong who tweeted photos about the experience
The Academik Ioffe ran aground at 69 43.0553N, 91 20.9521W around 11:30 AM Mountain Time. We are on a rock. No hull breach, no one hurt.
When the Academik Ioffe ran aground yesterday we were in the presentation room for safety briefing. Suddenly we heard this loud grinding sound and the ship shook. The ship came to a complete stop and it fell silent, and listing to one side. We knew instantly that it was not good. pic.twitter.com/fdnYYze7jq
This is the Academik Ioffe when we all disembarked this morning. Notice that she’s sitting a good bit lower in the water. Canadian Coast Guard helicopter was on site with their vessel inbound. Photo credit: @truedichotomypic.twitter.com/LoRxt2lerf
Yale also produced this Article about the Experience. In 2010, the Clipper Adventurer also ran aground on a Discovered, but uncharted shoal. the TSB released a report into that incident.
Still no news. and inquiry to the Coast guard referred me to Transport Canada – who have not yet responded. A source told me he heard the vessel was surveyed yesterday by divers.
the ice situation looks interesting.
Note the Location of Nanisivik , in the top left corner of the Ice Chart below. Nanisivik is the site of the slowly under development permanent Arctic naval Base – and a perfect location to base an arctic response capability.
for the ship to leave the area, she will likely have to pass through the Fury and Hecla Straight, which is fully iced over. Additionally, the Louis St. Laurent, is headed to Bellot Straight to free the Claude Desgagnes
Update Sept 4
CBC Interviewed Ed Struzik – at 8 minutes its a good listen.
The TSB tweeted this photo (above), which seems to show the ship floating at anchor at close to a regular waterline. I hear the damage is relatively minor – there are no big holes.
Update Sept 6
It looks like the Pierre Radisson was re-assigned. Her last position was in the Lancaster sound earlier today. There is now no government presence on site, unless TC has someone Aboard the ship.
Update Sept 7 CBC is reporting that the RCAF response cost $513,000
UPDATE Sept 12.
It looks like the Ioffe has sailed, and appears to be Unaccompanied. AIS Data is showing that she has moved from her anchored position earlier today.
Update Sept 13:
Word is repairs are complete. she sailed for Kugaaruk, where she will meet an inspector – Presumably TC is Flying someone in. Once Cleared, she will head to Montreal.
Update Sept 17:
TC has cleared the Ioffe to sail, and she will be escorted through the Ice by CCGS Henry Larsen, bound for Les Mechins PQ, where Verreault Navigation has a large dry dock.