BBC Rhonental moved from Anchor to Pier 9c on Sunday, coinciding with another load of pipe arriving by rail. After BBC Topaz sailed for Rotterdam, a stack of pipe remained on the dock, and was joined but several more railcars worth.
The W.N Twolan arrived in Halifax in December with the barge NT1802. Today it moved to Fairview Cove to load some cargo onto the barge at the RO-RO ramp. What look to be large motors were loaded onto the barge via SPMT.
The Tug was built by Davie 60 years ago. it spent most of its life in the the fresh water Great Lakes, and more recently spent time laid up. It was purchased by Halls Bay Marine Services of Springdale, NL and refit last year. The owners also own the ex RCN fireboat Firebird, and the tug R.J Ballott formerly known Jerry Newbury.
Combi-lifts ship Palmerton tied up at pier 9 Last Night. Part of Combi-Lift’s CL900 class each crane is rated to 450tons, or 900tons combined lifting power. She is also Ice Class E3. Built by the Kouan Shipyard in China she and her 6 classmates were built between 2009-2010 (She is First of Class)
No word on what she’s offloading, though its likely some sort of project cargo.
The Onego Trader arrived this morning with a load of Rails for CN. She Tied up at pier 27.
Onego Vessels frequently deliver rails for CN through Halifax. So frequently perhaps, that the Dutch company uses the Peggys cove lighthouse as a background on their website onegoshipping.com/
The Train Geek pointed me to the Shipment of the second A4 Locmotive – The “Dominion of Canada”. It arrived in Halifax Yesterday from ExpoRail in Montreal, And will likely ship out on the UK Bound ACL Vessel Next Monday.
As of this morning, the tender had been moved to a palet of some sort. It can be seen in the photos of The Previous A4 – the “Dwight D Eisenhower” which traveled via ACL August 27
The general Cargo Vessel Apollogracht tied up at Fairview Cove just after 1300, and was loaded and Ready to go by 1530. Though Mostly a Container terminal, Fairview cove does see other cargo, Mostly in the Holds Of ACL Ships; Heavy Equipment and Helicopters are common sights on the Piers there.
Apollogracht loaded a Round looking piece of equipment.
UPDATE 1328ADT 03/05/12: AIS Shows her Entering Port in St John NB