Leo A MacArthur w/John J Carrick

The Articulated Tug/Barge combo Leo A MacArthur / John J Carrick arrived in Halifax last night for McAsphalt in Eastern Passage. Part of the miller group of companies, They operate a terminal for the handling of the liqued components for asphalt.

An Articulated tug an barge is two vessels designed to be more or less permanently connected and operate as one. The Barge connects to the tug via a notch, and the two vessels are held together by large Articulating pins. This setup is more common in the US, where a Tug w/tank barge requires a much smaller crew then a tug with a tank barge of the same size.

For an upclose look, the Captain at the time gave me a tour of the combination, the Tug then Operating under the name Victorious for the same owners.

Navig8 Success to anchor in the Basin

The Products tanker Navig8 Success arrived in Halifax Yesterday and tied up at imperial Oil. It was scheduled to move to anchor this evening, and took up a spot in the Basin. its likely the ship will move to the Irving Woodside facility in the coming Days.

Built in 2009, Navig8 Success is owned by Navig8, who besides owning 26 ships, manage dozens more, and operate one of the largest independent tanker pools.

Atlantic Larch escorted the tanker through the narrows, and returned to base just after the video (below) ends. you can see the Navig8 Success Slow, and and the tether being drawn in.

Vineyard Wind Update

The latest on the Vineyard Wind 1 Project.

(Above) the Pile hammer suspended above the Pile gripper. (Below) The First pile has been moved into the gripper. The gripper is designed to hold the pile in position while the ship moves around it via its dynamic positioning system.

UPDATE May 26:

GPO Grace was scheduled to shift alongside Orion today, but is now headed back to the Anchorage at 11:30. GPO Grace went back alongside Orion yesterday. GPO Sapphire is currently in Aviles Spain, to load the next 6 Piles and Transition Pieces. No ETA for Halifax yet.

CBSA Container Inspection Facility

Progress continues on the new container inspection facility for Canada Border services, on Africville Rd. next to the Fairview cove terminal. Currently container flagged for inspection are trucked to their facility in Burnside.

The future plan has Fairview Cove handling the majority of truck traffic for both terminals, with container moving by rail between the terminals. CN already operates an inland terminal in Moncton to handle regional containers, and are interested in developing a facility in Debert

Guyot heading back to Europe

Guyot, a IMOCA 60 competing in the Ocean Race was bound for Newport RI when it was demasted in a storm. The boat made its way to Halifax after taking fuel from a container ship, and under a jury rig.

The Boat was hauled out this afternoon at Fairview Cove, and placed on a mafi, to be shipped back to Europe for repair. Given the placement on the mafi, it will likely go be shipped via ACL

BBC Arizona with plane parts

BBC Arizona arrived at pier 9 to offload Airplane parts from Belfast. Componenets for various Bombardier aircraft are manufactured in a facility in Belfast, then shipped to Halifax, to be trucked for final assembly at facilities around Montreal.

These parts normally arrive on ACL vessels, so there may have been a scheduling conflict, or a lack of available space.

Given a Vessel the size of BBC Amazon could comfortable reach Montreal, it is prehaps curious parts still flow through Halifax via ACL.

GPO Grace with pieces.

The GPO Grace arrived on Saturday with Piles and transition pieces for the Vineyard Wind 1 project. The ship brought 6 sets, and tied up next to Orion.

On Monday the ship moved to anchor having transferred one pile and transition piece to the Orion.

No other movements are listed for either ship, so its unclear if Orion will load more Segments before sailing for installation

A foray into Video

Halifax Shipping News has had a YouTube channel for a number of years now. But nothing was ever really done with it. I’ve decided to make a short explainer video on the Orion. If you like, Please like the video and Subscribe to the channel, and ill be sure to make more.

There is Some neat old stuff, such as the launches of two the Coast Guards Midshore patrol vessels. Check it out. the grainy stuff was shot on a Sony Mini DV Handicam.

A Time lapse at Fairview cove (below) shot on an iPhone5

And arrivals of other vessels. Check out the channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUr0OKTMkpaIqqmCLsXTmrA

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