The Atlantic Fir was alongside the Harry DeWolf this evening, holding the ship against the pier. I understand that various propulsion system trials are now underway. Various scuff marks from tugs seem to suggest this is not the first such trial.

The Atlantic Fir was alongside the Harry DeWolf this evening, holding the ship against the pier. I understand that various propulsion system trials are now underway. Various scuff marks from tugs seem to suggest this is not the first such trial.
Despite having celebrated 50 years of operational service in 2013, and Officially being retired last year. 15 CH-124 Sea Kings will live on, having been sold to Rotor Maxx Support Limited of BC.
Rotor Max specialized in the support and maintenance of the the Seaking, and its S-61 civilian variant. The 15 Helicopters will be refurbished and leased out to Rotor Max clients to compliment their fleet of eight S-61’s. The acquisition includes a significant inventory of parts, tooling and equipment which will support Rotor max’s business going forward.
the Ex RCAF Seakings were delivered in 1963.
The tanker Advance II spent the weekend at anchor, moving to Irving Oil’s Woodside dock in the early Evening Sunday. The ship arrived from the Netherlands.
its due to sail overnight Monday.
This past Saturday, I swung by the Atlantic Canada Aviation Museum out by the airport. Despite passing it regularly, I had never actually stopped in.
The museum is worth the stop – its small, but has alot of aircraft, but the exhibits are well done. Admission is by donation (8$ for adults suggested)
Find the Museum at:
20 Sky Blvd, Goffs,
NS, B2T 1K3
Exit 6 off Highway 102
Follow on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube
The RAF demo team began a North American tour with a demonstration over the Harbour Today. The Team was the final Act that featured RCAF aircraft in use on the East Coast.
The red arrows then performed. The RCAF uses the same Hawk jet as its primary jet training aircraft.
I went out to towards the airport to Visit the Atlantic Aviation Museum, and then spent some time Plane Spotting. It was a productive outing.
A very light Ocean Force arrived at Fairview Cove this morning, and is due to sail this evening. The ship arrived from a New Jersey Anchorage.
Built in Germany in 1983, the Ship was originally named Condock III. besides being a CON-Ro, capable of taking containers and Ro-ro cargo, the vessel is also semi-submersible, allowing it to transport boats and other floating craft loaded via a full width stern ramp.
the ship is owned and operated by Prime Transport based in the Ukraine.
This week in Herald, I talk about swimming. In the Harbour. and why it should be more then a 1 day a year event. (Aug 15 this Year)
I Also talk about the need for the city to extend lifeguard hours beyond 5pm at city beaches, given 2 evening drownings in 2 years at beaches with daytime supervision.
Work Continues on the first ship, with testing under way – the Boat Davit appears to have recently load tested, given the empty bag still hanging from it. some of the construction coverings are coming off, and system testing is under way.
the Launch of the Second ship is Due sometime between October 19 and November 19, based on the Coasting trade application for the use of the Boa Barge. that would suggest the plan is to turn the first ship over to the navy before then.
I suspect the yard is under political pressure to hand the ship over prior to the start of the federal election campaign.
USS Gravely put in for a port visit this morning. The ship tied up at Jetty NH, by the bridge. DDG-107 is an Arleigh Burke class destroyer, and was commissioned in 2010, the 57th ship of her type.
Gravely most recently served as flagship of NATO SNMG1, handing off those duties to USS Gridley last week in Rota Spain.