Monthly Archives: August 2020

Port of Montreal Strike.

Last week in the Herald I outlined how ongoing labour strife could be an issue for the Port of Montreal, leading to a loss of Cargo in the longer term..

JOC posted an article suggesting 50% of Montreal’s cargo volume is Discretionary – shippers are not tied to the port, and use it for convenience sake. Summer whale and Winter ice delays, plus geographical challenges already were cause for concern for Montreal, and now labour issues are added.

After this article ran, one of the Longshore Unions at the port of montreal gave 72 hour strike notice for an indefinite strike, to begin Monday. That means effective tommorw, most terminals are shut down, Causing ships to divert.

A 4 day strike 2 weeks ago caused two MSC Vessels to divert to Halifax, Maersk to call out of Order, and Hapag-Lloyd sent a ship to Saint John NB. Canadian Pacific Railways re-acquisition of the line through Maine seems to be paying off, and CP has simply moved its customers to Saint John. Another Hapag-Llloyd ship called this week in Saint John.

MSC Rochelle arrived in the outer anchorage Saturday – its due at PSA Halifax on the 18th. The wait is required to maintain schedule, as a week is saved by calling in Halifax Vs Montreal.

Maersk Palermo arrived Sunday morning. it usually spends around 6 hours in port. this call the ship is due to sail late Monday afternoon.

Montreal Express and OOCL Belgium also look to be diverting to Halifax, Due on the 11th and 15th respectively. I expect more to divert given the nature of the labour actions.

Noble Regina Allen is Finished.

The Noble Regina Allen has completed plugging the 5 wells of the Deep Panuke Gas field, and has returned to Woodside, alongside the Deep Panuke Production platform. The semi-submersible heavy lift ship GPO Amethyst has sailed from Rotterdam, likely to pickup the Noble Regina Allen and bring her to her next job. GPO Amethyst has an Eta of Aug 31.

NRA Arrived in November 2017, and spent a year plugging the sable Field. It finished that work in Dec 2019, and returned to Halifax for a few months of maintenance, heading out to Deep Panuke in February.

US Coast Guard cutter to make a port visit tomorrow

USCGC Tahoma is due to arrive at the Dockyard tomorrow. This marks the first port visit for a US Government vessel this year. the PCU St. Louis, the latest LCS bypassed traditional stops in Canada on her way out of the great lakes a few weeks ago, and no other US Navy or Coast Guard vessels have stopped in Halifax so far this year.

USCGC Tahoma is based in New Hampshire, and is likely make a stop for provisions.

Inshore Rescue Boat makes a tow

The Coast guards inshore rescue boat towed a disabled sailboat back to the NW Arm this evening from out past Maughers Beach. I didnt catch what the issue was, but the 3 people aboard the sailboat (and the IRB boat crew) seem to be pretty relaxed.

the IRB is staffed by post secondary students, and is in service between the May long weekend and Labour day.

MSC Diversions due to Montreal Strike

Labour strife at the Port of Montreal has caused both MSC Veronique and MSC Sariska to divert to Halifax, the latter pulling a u turn off Quebec. MSC Veronique arrived Sunday morning and spent the day, with a departure scheduled for 8 am Monday morning.

MSC Sariska arrived around 9pm, and has no scheduled departure at this time. Earlier in the week, Maersk Patras called on Halifax first, before sailing for Montreal to avoid a labour disruption there.

MSC Veronique sailed at 8am for New York. the majority of her cargo was discharged, and will be moved by rail. the MSC ships are only 4000teu, which allows them to reach Montreal with out encountering any draft or load restrictions.

MSC Sariska is due to sail at 4:30

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