AUSTRALIABORG in the Outer Anchorage Update (April 17:) She Departed the Anchorage at 1530 for Baie Comeau
Monthly Archives: April 2012
USCGC Juniper to visit Halifax
U.S. Coast GuardCutter Juniper, homeported in Newport, R.I., is scheduled to arrive at the Maritime Museum wharf around 1500 this afternoon. She will depart late afternoon on the 17th. She is Visiting as part of USCG Titanic Commemorations, having Completed her mission to scatter 1.5 million dried rose petals over the final resting place of the RMS Titanic, on April 14, 2012, as part of a memorial ceremony for the 100th anniversary of the tragedy.
Photo above is USCGC Juniper off Chebucto Head about to board her Pilot.
Additional Photos to follow. UPDATE: USCGC Juniper now scheduled to Depart Tomorow Morning at 0800
The Titanic Post
This April 15th marks 100 years since the sinking of the Titanic. The events of the Night of April 14/15 are very well known. Titanic sets sail on her maiden voyage, hits an iceberg, and sinks. hundreds die.
Halifax’s connection to the wreck is in the aftermath. Cable Ships such as the Mina and the Mackay Bennett are dispatched from Halifax to search for survivors/recover bodies. They found hundreds, and they are buried in the Fairview Lawn Cemetery. Dr. John Henry Barnstead, a Halifax Physician was tasked with identifying the Dead. the Methods he Developed for identifying bodies in mass casualty situations are still in use today (and his records are held in the NS Archives)
More broadly, the titanic disaster led to changes that greatly improved safety at sea. The SOLAS (Safety of life at Sea) Conventions were a direct result of the Disaster, as were the Codification of ship board Radio requirements, and the adoption of S.O.S and MAYDAY as distress signals.
For More on Titanic’s Nova Scotia Connections, Including Documents, See the Provincial governments site
The IEEE Spectrum has an article on the radio changes that Titanic brought about.
AZAMARA JOURNEY – First Cruise Ship of the Season
The first Crusise ship of the Season arived this morning, on a Titanic Aniversary cruise. Unlike the Balmoral (who will be in Halifax on the 14/15th), which is retracing the Titanics voyage, the AZAMARA JOURNEY Departed New York for a Tour of Titanic related sites, arriving today in Halifax, and then heading to the sinking site on Saturday, before returning to New York. You can Find out more about the Aniversary Cruise here
Ambassatours is running Titanic themed tours which feature a Titanic Theeme wrapped bus. The tours cover titanic sites, such as the Cable Wharf, Maritime Museaum of the Atlantic, and Fairview Lawn Cemetery.
Crowded Basin
Sub HMCS Windsor – Back in the Water.
HMCS Windsor returned to halifax Harbour just past noon today. After Some addtional in water Quay side tests, she will proceed to conduct a series of sea trials. In the Top picture she has just been pulled off the Synchrolift. Bellow, the tugs are Positioning to move her along side the jetty.
Highlanders in for Work
The Marine Atlantic Ferry Highlanders arrived for its maintanace period this morning, Proceeding directly to the Nova Dock. Highlanders, and her Sister Blue Putties are named after Newfoundland regiments, and replaced Caribou and the Joseph and Clara Smallwood.
More (better) Pics at Shipfax
HMCS Windsor Gets Wet Wendsday Morning!
The Chronicle Herald is reporting that the navy will begin undocking HMCS Windsor from the synchrolift Wendsday morning at 6am. The Operation is expected to take about 6 hours to complete.
Photos to come tomorow morning.
Hero Class Mid Shore Patrol Vessels Rolling off the Line
Thursday brought the rollout of the Second Mid Shore Patrol Vessel, Corporal Kaeble VC. The First, Private Robertson VC, has been located outside the module shop for some time, as additional work is completed. She Has now been moved farther down the ways and tarpped to allow the next vessel to be painted.
There is no known date for the launch at the moment.
Stowaway on Atlantic Concert.
The Chronicle Herald is reporting that CBSA removed a stowaway from Atlantic Concert this Morning. This is The third time In recent memory stoways have been found on Atlantic Concert. Previous incidents on this vessel were reported in April 2009 and Febuary 2011 Photo Above from 0745 this morning.